Dutch word of the day

15 06 2009


If you are unsure of what the answer is look below






That’s right “zwanger” means pregnant and that’s what I am 🙂

I’m due in the beginning of January and so far things have been just fine!  No morning sickness or nausea granted now that I said that I’m sure I’ve cursed myself and will wake up puking tomorrow.  I feel good so far, except for being tired and the occasional crabbiness but that isn’t any different from any other day hee hee. 

We are excited and have two ultrasounds so far.  I’m not far enough along to find out the sex but as soon as I know I’ll be sure to announce it. 

Here is one picture of the bean…



The lady doing the ultrasound was very nice but every time we saw a good picture she would take it just after the fact.  The little bean was moving like he/she had too much coffee!  Which by the way I’ve been clean and sober of any coffee or tea for the last two months.. *sigh*.

We are excited about the new addition and it give me a great excuse to shop!  We will stay in this house for another year or so then move to a bigger one… once I get another job since Resources decided not to renew my contract.  Ya that’s a whole other bleeping story!

But as for right now we are excited since my parents are becoming first time grandparents and my nonna is becoming a great grandmother.  Also it has been a while since a new baby has been in the family so this should be fun.

Ok.. I know this is a really short ending to this blog but read above about being tired.  Right now I’m forcing myself to stay awake long enough to type this.  9:48pm and I’m ready to crash!

The bean or rather the fig since it should be about that size it is right now and I say “Goodnight”.



10 responses

16 06 2009
Canucky Woman

Very cool. What do the big sisters think of all this?

I can’t imagine being in the early stages of “zwangerism” and working full-time. My pregnancy was a ‘surprise’, but I was damned lucky that it happened at the end of my first year of uni. Didn’t puke once, but MAN was I tired. We had a sofa bed in the living room…I don’t think I folded it up for the first five months!

So the job may end, but I think you’ll appreciate the chance to rest. Enjoy, honey.

16 06 2009

Congratulations!!! How exciting!!

How does maternity leave work there?

17 06 2009

Laura – ya.. but need money for baby! lol! Hence need job!

Kara – mat leave here SUCKS you only get 16 weeks. But b/c I’m not working at the time and I may not be working depending on this lovely economy, then I won’t qualify for it.

18 06 2009

Well that does suck doesn’t it!!

If you have any cravings for goodies that you cannot get over there, I would be happy to get them for you and send them your way!! I had friends send me treats up to Kugluktuk when I could not buy them in town. It was so nice!

19 06 2009
Dave Hampton

Terrific news; congratulations and best wishers to you all!

24 06 2009
Jennifer Hilty

Hey, Congrats on the great news. I miss talking with you when I have to call Saxco, it just isn’t the same. It seems like life is treating you well. I love reading your site and learning about the country. One day I will be traveling there.

1 07 2009

This is wonderful news indeed! Congratulations Melissa and Frank!!! Your family must be so excited, especially your girls and your Mom probably can’t stop smiling. 🙂 Hope you continue to feel well Melissa and I look forward to your updates. All the best! Love Ty

1 08 2009

Congrats! They should sell dutch pregnancy tests here cause even if a positive result was bad news the word zwanger would make you smile. It would help soften the blow.

23 09 2010
Richard Durkan

Is it possible to receive Dutch Word of the Day by email, please?

23 09 2010

Hi Richard… actually that was the only dutch word of the day I did….

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