Here fishy fishy fishy…..

23 01 2009

Since the kids are heading to their grandparents today for their grandfather’s birthday, I thought I would make fish for dinner.  I found a really nice sounding, can’t say tasting as I haven’t made it yet, recipe in one of my books.Fish

Orange Crumb Salmon

3oz fresh breadcrumbs – how can it be fresh? I thought breadcrumbs were made from stale bread.

2 tbsp olive oil plus extra for greasing

finely grated zest and juice of one orange

4 tbsp chopped fresh parsley

4 boneless skinless salmon fillets (only 2 for us)

9 new potatoes (side dish – but I think I’ll do rice)

3 tbsp mayonnaise.

Mix all the ingredients together to make the crust and put on the fish packing it down.  Make sure to drizzle some oil on the pan so it doesn’t stick and then put it in the oven for 20 mins at 200C  (or until done).  Take some parsley and orange juice and mix with the mayo for a dip.

The mayonnaise with some parsley and orange juice is used as a dip on the side.. hmmm.. interesting.  So anyhow that’s what we are having for supper tonight.   I’ll have two great little cook books that I ordered from England, one is  “101 cheap eats” and the second is  “101 one pot meals”.  Both books have some really good things to make that are pretty quick too.   Also because it is an English book they have some typical English recipes, just shortened to make the cooking time faster.  I’m not sure what I’m making for the rest of the weekend, maybe another chicken pie with puff pastry like I did a few weeks ago.   But we’ll see where my creative juices or rather creative reading and following skills take me.

On another note:  The Dutch lessons are coming along, I’d like to say rather nicely but that would be a lie.. they are coming along though.   I’ve increased my time in the class room by going for 4 hours instead of 2 when they have the time available.  If I can’t go in 2 hours early then I can stay for an hour after my class has ended.  I find the 2 hours sitting there and listening to the computer doesn’t give me enough time to get into the lesson.  I like to repeat certain parts of it, sometimes a few times (those damn negatives!!) to understand where everything goes.  The grammar is not the easiest to get!  I understand 90% of what I am reading, I can write 85% of it with out having to look back at things, but to speak it I’m only at 30%.  I have to get over the fear of speaking a new language… or speaking a different language all together (yes mom I know).  Unfortunately that will be my downfall with Dutch. 

I have my resume into about 6 or 7 different agencies right now for work, but since I’m going back to Canada in March for nearly 3 weeks, it puts a damper on any prospects.  So I’m going to have to hold off until I return before I can start hitting the pavement again.  It’s unfortunate because I think I would have been able to get a good job in Amsterdam, but they wanted someone for 3 solid months before giving them the position, which is understandable.  But I have to go home and visit… it’s time to go home and visit… I’m running out of Bath and Body stuff!  Oh and Target has been calling my name, ok… I don’t have the money for it but still I can go browse.

Well I guess I should get going and head over to the store before the skies decide to open up again.  It’s calling for rain for the rest of the weekend,  I would rather take the snow!

Update: the salmon was great!!  Too bad the price of it was so expensive otherwise we’d eat it more often.



6 responses

23 01 2009
Here fishy fishy fishy….. « A Canadian in clogs « Dutch cooking

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24 01 2009

That looks really tasty:) I order a ton of cookbooks off of They have a big english section. I wasnt sure if you knew about that or not. I hope you have a wonderful trip back home to Canada and that you are able to find work when you get back!

28 01 2009

Ooooooh woof that looks/sounds deliiiissssh! I definitely want to try it!

Regarding my “No Recession in the White House” post, it is seriously ALL I could think of! There are so many pressing issues challenging our country and all that’s on my mind is hanky-panky! 😉

28 01 2009

Hi Melissa,

I just stumbled across your wonderful blog! I am also a Canadian living abroad in the Netherlands, and have started a small blog about my experiences. Perhaps we can arrange a link-exchange, if you’re interested! Please check out my blog at I am looking forward to reading more about your experiences as a Canadian living in the Netherlands!

Kind Regards,

29 01 2009

Thank you for your suggestions! I hadn’t heard that about Utrecht, so that was definitely good to know. Haarlem is so beautiful, and hopefully has some great places to rent. I guess we’ll find out once we really start our search. I’ve added you to my blog list as well, thank you for adding mine!

4 02 2009


I have the speaking problem-issue with Dutch also. I can do it fine once I get going and feel comfortable with who I am talking to, but it does take time & practice.

Good luck with the job searching 🙂

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